
Archive for July, 2011

So, with the wake of my 30th Birthday lingering just fifteen minutes away, I have decided that his absolutely constitutes a blog. I rarely find motivation that strikes me at such a perfect time…..so here it is. Who cares what I have to say? Probably few….but I’m calling it like I see it, so here goes…..

Firstly, I would like to point out to anyone reading this who happens to currently think that they have it all figured out…..you don’t. And you most certainly never will.

I like to think of myself as a seasoned child trapped in a body which does not agree with my state of mind. Do I think I am old? Hell no…….I am a mere baby going through the stages that my most brilliant parents reassured me that i would one day find myself going through. I wake up one day and look around with three children asking, “what’s for breakfast,” while I wonder where the hell their mother is and why she hasn’t made them breakfast yet. I see the world through very different eyes these days, and my wisdom would only be wasted if I didn’t share a bit with anyone curious enough to read this. So, here, for your betterment and satisfaction, is a list of things I have learned throughout the journey of my 20’s….

1. Any man who calls off of work more than once every couple of months, or lacks said job whatsoever, is and always will be a piece of shit. No, he will not take care of you, and no, he will not change….this I promise you.

2. No matter how old you are, or how many times you move around and experience new things, you will always want your Mom when things make you sad, or glad, or anywhere in between.

3. Being a Mom takes time and practice that won’t ever find you until you are dead and gone….each day is a new experience and lesson, and what makes good mothers are the lessons you take from each days dealings. You are the mirror in which your offspring look through daily, so don’t be a douchebag.

4. If you have to act/speak/dress like someone you are not….then you will never find the man of your dreams, or even someone to share a cracker with (no pun intended)……growing up in a small town in the middle of nowhere and seeing the women who I grow up with speak and try to act more ghetto than any REAL ghetto I have ever experienced sickens me. Act like you have the brain that I know you have, and get off the ghetto juice.

5. Finding the love of your life is like finding everything that you love about yourself all wrapped up in fancy paper,  ribbons, and bows….no question of who you think they are, because you already know them…no wondering “what if” because you already know the answer. A constant comfort that can only be explained by someone who has found this. A soulmate. They exist. Find one without looking….. and never let go.

6. You must go through hell to find the good things in life. In any way, shape, or form…this proverbial “hell” will help you appreciate the good things. Even when the good goes bad…you know it can always be worse, and appreciate the things you have…..because you made it through. And, yeah you will be okay.

7. There is more to life than what can be written in a book, or stories told. Don’t believe everything you see or hear. But don’t ever question it so much that you forget who you are and where you come from. Your faith in whatever it may be will get you through. And this holds true for everything. Again, I promise.

8. Applejacks DO NOT taste like apples. Or Jack.

9. Dwelling on the past is like eating your favorite dinner (that you have had a thousand times) at a shitty restaurant and wanting to never eat it again. Do not turn something that you love into something ugly because of one bad experience. It’s like I tell my new-food-trying-hating son…you can bake chicken a million different ways and it will taste different every time. Don’t hate on the chicken. Hate on the dish.

10. Mom was right. About everything. She knew better than I did. She did everything before I did, and probably did it better. I heart you Mom, and thanks for knowing somewhere deep down that I would turn out okay 🙂

That is all for now…..I have randomly babbled enough for now….Happy Birthday to me, my motivation has passed and am now wondering what the hell I just wrote, ha ha.  ❤ Love ❤


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