
Posts Tagged ‘cheese’

There comes a time in our lives, well MOST of our lives, when we find out that some of the things our parents raised us to believe are not exactly true. No, you will not get a cold from going outside without a jacket, your eyes will not stay crossed if you hold them that way, you will not get a wart of a frog pees on your hand (though strippers, in some cases, are a completely different story), thunder during storms is not God bowling, and eating before you go swimming will not cause projectile vomiting or labor-like cramping…in most cases anyway.

This brings me to my point…are you ready for this? Get a life and beliefs of YOUR OWN. Live a little. Pop the post utero bubble you are surrounded by and get off the tit.

Too many of our younger generation THRIVE souly on what their parents and even more catastrophically, their churches, tell them to do. Now, don’t get me wrong…guidance and insight from your elders and peers is a good thing. But living your life by a book of any kind, or by the words and thoughtless banter of beliefs passed down through generations of your family is most certainly robbing yourself of a personal relationship with yourself.

Take a moment, Twilight loving generation, to question WHY things are….and WHY you feel the way you do about important issues in your life. Turn off your Fox News, block out the left or right wing conversations that go on around you and shove your Skullcandy earbuds into your head as far as the masses of your dome will allow them. And think.  Go ahead, I double dog dare you. You may be surprised what you discover.

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